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  • Teens, Texting and Driving: Disaster in the Making

    By peterloebbecke on April 24, 2013
    Having been rear-ended not once but twice in the same month by teens who were texting and driving, I have a renewed interest in and alarm about the behavior. Never mind that being crashed into at 50 miles an hour turned some more of my hair gray. Never mind the inconvenience of having the car in the shop for a [...]
  • Insurance Coverage: A Business Necessity

    By peterloebbecke on April 24, 2013
    Even when cash may be scarce, or revenues down, small businesses should not neglect their insurance needs. Businesses that are underinsured or without broad, proper and adequate coverage are taking needless risks, which could eventuate in serious financial problems, including bankruptcy. In a crisis, a business without insurance or which is underinsured can be totally destroyed. Business owners must be [...]